Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Accept my words, which are coming out with every pulse of my heart, yet, don’t expect them now to be the same as before. They might though carry the same meanings but the reasons are different. As my sadness now is not my sadness before: before I used to grieve when a flower didn’t bloom for my morning, but now I’m much stronger.

You always understood me without me having to explain; you were the one who found me as a friend, and you befriended me and held me within your pure soul. And I granted you my devotion without waiting for a reward, for you knew that I am far beyond being a hypocrite, and my destroyer would be my weakness in giving the best of explanations. Yet, and on top of all this, you still understood me fully without me putting an effort, and without me trembling with my words.

My sorrow here, and now, exists in the fact that you turned your back on me during the time I was trying hard to comprehend the dilemma that was surrounding me. So, tell me now which path shall we choose if we did not find a helping hand when we really need it, and to which level of honesty shall we rise to, and reach looking for the real light for such a suicidal friendship?

© Yara Doleh 2005
Yara lives in Ontario, Canada and was on the Writing Life mailing list for three years before feeling ready to enrol for the course in October 2004. She has a baby, Adam, now over a year old and whilst missing the stimulation of her profession as a numismatist in archaeological sites, she would love to be a full-time writer.

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