Sunday, January 08, 2006


by Lynda E. Blake

I’ve long had an interest in psychology and came across something the other day that I’d like to share.

It might sound simple, but I was reminded of the principle that our thoughts affect everything we do – and more importantly how we do it, and the results we achieve…

Basically, our BELIEFS affect our EXPECTATIONS, which in turn affect our ATTITUDES.

Our beliefs come from many sources, firstly from our parents and peers and the social groups with which we mingle, or from the views we see expressed in the media. But more importantly, these beliefs don’t just ‘exist’, they affect the way we view ourselves and everything and everyone around us. Moulding our expectations…

So, while we’re often unaware of it, no matter what we do, see, hear or experience, we act as if it’s happening through a filter. Almost a prism that colours how it will turn out… In other words we see things according to our attitudes.

“But even optimists can be pessimistic sometimes,” you might say. And true, of course they can, but just by being aware of the link between our beliefs, expectations and attitudes we can be aware of what is happening and maybe take the first step towards changing things we don’t like. Perhaps then we can enjoy more fulfilment, less stress, and a better quality of life? Think about it! And above all, question, question, question!

© Lynda E. Blake 2005

Lynda’s portrait appears under her story 'Changing Faces' in November’s Playground ‘Fireworks and Faces’.

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