Wednesday, September 28, 2005


by Bernie Ross

The 50 word mini-biography is a treasure to have in your writer's toolkit. Once created to a point you feel happy with it you can pop it into all sorts of situations without having to rack your brains for 'the right thing to say'. Your mini-biog can go under a short piece of writing that's published; it can be slotted into a covering letter when you're submitting an article and it can be a handy nugget to use if you're in conversation and want to give a brief overview of where you're at. 50 words isn't very long: Colm's (above) is 79. Mine is 57.

Almost without exception, Writing Life students say on the introductory questionnaire that they'd like to be in touch by email or letter with other students. The message board doesn't reflect this but it's the only obvious facility for inter-student communication at the moment. Can you, anyone, tell me how else it can be done? I believe the 50 word biog followed by your email address and first name, published under anything you submit would be a step in the right direction, telling others who you are. Why not put your mini-biog on the MB? Or should I put them all here along with photos? It's possible you know.
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'. . . She held the knife ready, her fist clenched, her wrist rigid.'

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